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Between Two Hearts

The title Between Two Hearts symbolizes the magnetic pull between the hearts of a pair of dancers, and especially the music connecting these hearts. Many of the peices in this collection were probably intended to accompany dancing. Others may have been written more for the ear than the feet but still remain close to their dance roots


January 1, 1996


  1. Saltarello
  2. Piva
  3. Pavane
  4. Branle gay
  5. Gaillarde
  6. La Rote de Rode
  7. Canzone Francese: No. 4. Ballo detto il Conte Orlando
  8. Intavolatura di liuto, Book 1: Saltarello
  9. Le Gratie d'amore: No. 6. Spagnoletto
  10. Le Gratie d'amore: No. 1. La catena d'amore
  11. Le Gratie d'amore: No. 14. So ben mi chi ha bon tempo
  12. Le Gratie d'amore: No. 3. La Nizzarda
  13. Ein ser gutter hoff tantz mit durch straichen
  14. Der Hupff auff
  15. Ein guter welscher tantz
  16. Gassenhauer
  17. Rossina ain welscher dantz
  18. Ain niderlendisch runden dantz
  19. Ain hoff dantz mit zway stimen
  20. Saltarello chiamato el Mazolo
  21. Pavana chiamata la Desperata
  22. Tocha tocha la Canella
  23. Thesaurus harmonicus: Branle gay
  24. Branle
  25. La Spagna No. 1
  26. Tientalora, Balletto da ballare
  27. Padoana
  28. Pavana alla venetiana
  29. Puisquen deux cueurs
  30. La roque
  31. La Magdalena
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